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Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day was first known as Saint Valentine's Day, is celebrated on 14th of February every year to celebrate love between couples or intimate companion.

But a few days ago, Malaysian news publish that some parties here in Malaysia is opposing the day that the whole world celebrate love for each other. Not only that, they are boycotting the day altogether saying it is a religion celebration.

It make one wonder, what are our future like if people like them are made to be out leaders of the nation. In stead of educate the youth to the right direction, they are implying to them not to embrace each other and understand each other religion. 

We live in a country which consist of minimum 3 different races altogether. Instead of helping each other races to understand the other, we are seeing more insults thrown from one race to another race regardless it is made public or not by the so called "people election". 

I used to remember my schooling years that my friends and i could call or tease each other "stupid", "kimak kau", "siut" in casual conversation without worrying that if i would offend them or not. But now, the slightest tease will end you beaten up or worst, start a "fight" which will end up in the news paper with the head line ""Youth Start brawl with "bodoh kau" insult""

well, time is changing and i do hope that 1 Malaysia will achieve its goal before Wawasan 2020, because when the day come, the world wont see us as a Malay country. The world will see us as MALAYSIA. ONE MALAYSIA. Where different background, different ethnic, different religion, come's together as ONE.

1 comment:

giha lalala said...

1 ninie 1 malaysia. :P